Can You Put a Wall Clock in a Bathroom?

Can You Put a Wall Clock in a Bathroom?

Adding a wall clock in a bathroom can be a bit tricky. You have to select a suitable place for the clock and also protect it from water damage.

Can You Put a Wall Clock in a Bathroom? You can put the wall clock in a bathroom by placing it on the sink by using the stand. You can also set it in front of the shower and sink wall. The clock maintains your daily routine; therefore, it is essential to keep it in the bathroom.

A bathroom is a place where you come to prepare yourself for some event. If a clock is present in the washroom, then you can get ready quickly within a few minutes.

Where do you place a wall clock in a bathroom?

You can set a clock anywhere in the bathroom where you can see the time easily. Then, adjust it to the main wall so that you can see time from all sides.

On the sink

You can keep your clock on the sink by using a stand. You can also keep it near the brush stand in the bathroom. Decoration piece is also available in variable shapes that increase the beauty of your washroom.

You can keep it at the front so that it makes your sink-side colorful. Then, select the same color wall to the sink, and you can also match it with the brush stand.

Do not select the big accessories that take too much space; otherwise, it looks odd. Instead, always choose the smart and slim watch so that you can adjust it anywhere on the sink.

You can also keep it in a mirror box and put a flower vase on it. Do not place your watch at the corner of the sink; otherwise, it falls and breaks.

You can also decorate your wall with crystals and flowers. Finally, set the device away from the soap and shampoo; otherwise, it can hit your hand and break.

Do not keep the clock near the towel holder sink tap but keep it away so that nobody can touch it easily.

Set on wall

You can also set your clock on the wall where you can see the time easily. Set the watch away from the water; otherwise, it stops work. You can put the wall in front of the shower wall to see it during bathing.

You can also put them in front of the toilet so that you can maintain your routine quickly. Set the clock on the main wall where you can see time from all sides. I have added this between the two mirrors in my bathroom.

You can also set it above the sink wall, and it alerts you during brushing. Do not place the wall at the back of the door; otherwise, it breaks when you open the door immediately.

If your door is present in the mid of the bathroom, you can adjust it at the back of the door. Smallholders are available in the market to stick on the back of the door and hang a wall on it.

If your bathroom is tiny, you cannot place them on the wall, then turn them at the back of the door.

Select the thin watch so that it looks beautiful, do not adjust the wall away from the sink and shower; otherwise, it isn’t easy to see the time.

Choose the color of the wall clock, same as the wall. For example, if your wall has print, then select a simple color clock. It makes the wall colorful and enhances its beauty.

Fix the wall clock on the towel stand

You can keep the clock on the towel stand because it is present at a high point. However, do not push it at the back; otherwise, you cannot see the time easily.

It is the best place because your children can not touch it. If your towel stand is shaking, do not keep this clock on; otherwise, it falls when you use a towel.

You can also stick it on the towel stand by using stick pads. It is available in the market, and you can punch your clock on it and attach it to the towel stand. It holds your equipment tightly and prevents it from falling when you use the towel.

At the ceiling

You can also hang your clock above the ceiling. Select the colorful string that matches the wall and tie your clock tight with it. You can also decorate this string with tiny crystals and flowers.

After binding it tightly with it, now hangs it on the ceiling. It also attracts your guests and makes your room beautiful.

It is also away from the children, and no one can touch it easily. For example, if your ceiling is high, then use a long string so that you can see it easily.

How high should you put a wall clock in your bathroom?

Set the clock on the bathroom wall in the vertical direction. There are 3 positions where you place it.

At chest level

You can place your clock at chest level because, in that position, you can see the time easily. For example, if you set it above the sink wall, so you can easily see it during face washing.

It is the best position at this side because you bend when you use the sink, and it comes at your eye level. Set it about 20 to 24 inches from the sink.

Keep the distance between you and the wall clock so that you cannot hit it during washing. Do not keep it at chest level if you have children.

At eye level

You can also set your clock at eye level because, in that case, you can see the time without bending your neck.

You can put it in front of the toilet wall so that you can see it easily. You can also put it in that position in front of the shower wall.

If you have no child, then this is the best position to keep it at eye level. You can set it about 41 to 42 inches from the floor.

Above eye level

If you set your device on the shower wall, adjust it at eye level; otherwise, water enters it.

It is the best place to keep the wall if you have children because no one can easily touch it. You can place it 52 to 58 inches above the ground.

Is it bad to have a clock in your bathroom?

It is not harmful to keep the clock in the bathroom because it keeps you alert. You can also maintain your routine by seeing it.

It also decorates your bathroom and makes you punctual while bathing. 

You can also decorate it with crystals because it increases the beauty of the bathroom.

It comes in different shapes, and you can select it according to desired shape. For example, if your washroom is small, then select the round shape clock because it has no edges.

You can also match it with the towel stand and the brush stand. You can also use a mirror clock so that it makes your room significant. Finally, place it at the center of the wall so that it attracts everyone.

It makes your room brighter that creates a beautiful theme in the room.

It makes you punctual the clock in the bathroom helps you to maintain your daily routine. It also changes your personality, and you take a bath within time.

Which type of wall clock can you put in a bathroom?

A clock can perform many functions in the bathroom that reminds you to prepare for an event. However, do not use sensitive accessories because moisture can damage the device.

You can use the slim clock in the bathroom because the big and heavy frame does not look beautiful. You can use the clock that tells you the temperature of the room.

It is an intelligent device and tells you about all the things such as date and day. You can adjust this slim item anywhere in the bathroom. For example, if your sink is small, then it can easily be set on it.

Waterproof wall clock if you want to place it at the shower wall, then select waterproof. 

If you have children, then you can easily use them in your bathroom. In addition, you can easily manage your time if you have a clock in the toilet.

The suction cup is also available at its back that sticks with the wall.

A digital bathroom clock shows a number on it, and it also tells the humidity and temperature of the room. It is a modern design watch that has various varieties. It also has a touch screen model, and you set the time by touching its screen. 

A Digital display clock is a brilliant type that tells the spell of time. It also means the day and date that update you at every time. It also has a brightness setting, and you can set it according to your requirement. It also shows some colors when there is more fluctuation in temperature.

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