How to Keep Kitchen Dishcloths from Smelling?

How to Keep Kitchen Dishcloths from Smelling?

Many people come with the problem that their kitchen dishcloths often smell that irritates them, and sometimes the whole space becomes smelly.

These rags dry the dishes but are equally helpful in holding the hot utensils and cleaning the food spills on the worktop.

How to Keep Kitchen Dishcloths from Smelling? You can keep kitchen dishcloths from smelling by using anti-bacterial soap and a few drops of lemon in hot water. The mixture of vinegar, baking soda, and water works well for this purpose. You have to follow preventive measures like placing them in a freezer, frequent washing, and drying after each use. Soft and wool fabrics are not suitable for use in the kitchen because they are more prone to damage, and it is better to use cotton fabric. The bleach is beneficial, but use it in recommended concentration and avoid applying it on colored dishcloths.

These rags come in various sizes, and most of them are similar to other washing fabrics of daily use, but their standard size is 9″ by 9″.

The smell comes due to many reasons, but more frequently, it is due to the build-up of germs, bacteria, fats, left-over food spills, and rancid oil.

There are different methods to make them neat, and actually, these are easy because most of them do not demand extra care and money.

Wash kitchen dishcloths after using

These cloths come in close contact with the kitchen utensils, and there is a need to clean them properly.

After using them, they absorb water and accumulate food components because sometimes these food spills remain on the dishes if washing is improper.

It is better to wash them after each use, and just a rinse with the tap water is sufficient for one day because they are not as dirty.

The use of kitchen soap or detergent is not significant for this, and a simple water washing works well but does not do this frequently because it can also bring smell.

Firstly, remove the food components from the fabric, then go towards washing because even after applying water, there comes an annoying odor.

You have to apply some soap then rinse it with fresh water after 2-3 days of simple washing.

Avoid using soft fabrics

These rags have a design to absorb the moisture, and therefore, they should consist of appropriate material that can significantly perform this job.

Remember that soft fabric is not good because it is more prone to general wear and tear due to continuous contact with water.

The cotton works well for this purpose, but in some homes, the linen rugs are also helpful to dry the water from dishes.

Their washing is simple, but make sure that it is a better quality cotton fabric of appropriate size, which is more durable, and you can easily hold them in your hands.

The wool is not suitable to use in the kitchen because water can destroy its composition, and a blend of soy with cotton in a 75 to 25 ratio is a perfect option.

Properly Dry it

Dishcloths help dry kitchen utensils, but how can wet ones perform their duty effectively?

It is obligatory to dry them by placing them at a proper place near the sink for a quick approach after drying the utensils.

There is no need to put them for direct exposure to the sun rays because the scorching sun rays can damage its pattern.

This frequent drying after each use is perfect for keeping the annoying odor from the drying rags.

Replace them frequently

The kitchen is the most visited place of your home, so there is more accumulation of various germs and bacteria traveling from one place to another.

Kitchen dishcloths can improve help improve hygiene, so you cannot compromise your hygiene.

The use of smelly rags has a build-up of germs, bacteria, and rancid oil that can move from one plate to another.

It is better to replace them daily, but it is not feasible for the poor people because it can cost more than their appropriate washing.

Use a new one for each drying if you can afford to replace them.


The hot water treatment works well in killing the bacteria and removing the irritating odor coming from the kitchen dishcloths.

You can easily use hot water coming from the tab of the sink, but it is better to boil them on the stove by placing them in a stainless steel pot.

The addition of some detergent in boiling water brings an effective result, but use this treatment concerning the nature of the fabric.

A common practice in homes, I perform this task at home because it works quickly.

By keeping them in the freezer

The dish rags come in direct contact with the utensils, and therefore they should be from germs.

Their placement in the freezer keeps them germ-less and dried, which is necessary to keep them away from smelling.

A freezer is a germless place because freezing temperatures most bring the death of bacteria, and as a result, there is no oil rancidity in the drying fabric.

Use dishwashing detergent

Some people used to rinse the rags in the tab water that is not sufficient, and you have to wash them with the detergent that is useful for dishwashing.

You can remove the oil, fats, grease, and food spills from the fabric with a simple rub with this detergent.

This removal can reduce the accumulation of bacteria that are sources of annoying odor in the kitchen.

Hang dishcloths in a ventilated place

My friend has to place her dishrags in the cabinet without making them dry after each use and come to complain about the smell.

The cabinet is not an open and cleaned place because there are chances of humidity leading to the efficient survival of bacteria.

You have to place them at some ventilated place where there is little or no humidity, but also avoid a more open area because the air is full of viruses.

My mother often complained about the smell even after daily washing with the hot water and detergent solution.

The reason behind this odor is basically non-appropriate drying after washing because the remaining moisture provides easy access to germs.

It is necessary to make them fully dry after each wash, but otherwise, the situation can bring more damage to your health.

Keep your kitchen neat

The kitchen represents your personality, and it should have a neat and attractive look for the observers.

You have to keep this place clean because it is a matter of your hygiene, but it prevents the dishrag from smelling.

A germ-free area keeps the kitchen dishcloths from building viruses and bacteria.

This separation can reduce the chances of contamination as you will not use the same rag for everything.

Do not hang them one above each other

Traditionally, they are hung one above the other in a corner.

This adjustment helps give a better look to your kitchen, but there are more chances of contamination as the bacteria are transferring from one rag to the other dishcloth.

This mixing can create a problem for all the rags that start to smell, and even standing near them makes you uncomfortable.

It is better to have a rank with various points for holding these products bringing a safe enclosure.

Allow for only one wash in the machine

Many people feel it easy to wash them in the washing machine, and they usually used to have more than one run of spinning.

The repeatedly running can reduce the working of a single cycle that is sufficient for daily using dish rags.

The regular spinning in the machine can cause smell because you are not directly putting them in the sun for drying.

Use vinegar

Vinegar is the most commonly used product for washing kitchen dishcloths as it disinfects them quickly and reduces the annoying sour odor.

The addition of a half cup of vinegar in a pot filled with water proves to help remove the germs.

Pour them in this solution, rinse with fresh water and enjoy a smell-free environment.

Use bleach

Bleach secures its position as a better product for keeping the dishcloths free from the smell, but frequent use can harm the fabric.

You have to take care that bleach has discoloring agents that can deteriorate the original color and pattern of the fabric.

It is better to use the bleaching agents for white-colored fabric and allow for a thorough wash with water.

The mixture of water and baking soda

A mixture of baking soda with water can reduce the smell from kitchen dishcloths and helps to achieve your goal of disinfection.

It naturally destroys the germs, but adding a few drops of lemon increases its effectiveness quickly.

I used to do this after a week, and I often boil this mixture for two minutes to have a better result but do not practice it again and again.

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